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Team Meeting Notes 08

November 1-3 Team Meetings

Team Meeting Objectives

Make sure things are coming together for the technical review.

Get everyone on the same page Refine the product based on the assembly review feedback Spend time working on your prototype. Concentrate on architecture design/assembly, but also work on form and physical models, tests, experiments to validate design details and resolve risks. Order critical parts (and even spares) ASAP

Preparation Before Team Meeting 8

Your task force should prepare a short, well organized, status report for the tasks that you have been working on. Financial officers should prepare a budget status report for the team. Options for product configuration and overall form should be prepared for discussion (printed etc) SIs should form an agenda and update the project schedule (Gantt Chart), covering tasks through to the technical review. Yodas should review the team review results and prepare a few questions to help the team reflect on the group milestone performance, any check-ins with group and the information presented in the peer review results.

What's due

Design notebook review, DHF population and prep for assembly review

Team Meeting 8 Activities

  1. SIs should start meeting, go through agenda and assign a scribe, as usual.
  2. Yodas should lead a short discussion to help the team reflect and come up with a few goals for improving team performance based on the milestones, peer reviews and any check-ins.
  3. Financial officers should give a short budget update to the team.
  4. System integrators should present an updated project schedule through to the technical review. Input should be obtained from instructors and team members.
  5. Review the current status of the design. This should include reports from different task forces. Review your product contract to ensure that all are on the same page.
  6. Discuss the overall product configuration, use storyboards, and form options using the materials prepared before the team meeting. Consider changes as appropriate and make sure that there is consensus about the direction of the product.
  7. There should be a task force considering form for the product, and at least two team members should attend the industrial design consultations listed on the events page with form options ready to present for feedback.
  8. Designate people for the business model and product costing tutorials
  9. Work! Time is short. Remember that lead times on ordered parts can be substantial. Some task forces might be working on specific mockups or tests while others work out details of the product assembly and architecture.