Shipping Address

It's usually faster to have things shipped to your personal address since they will not be routed through MIT Shipping/Receiving, which may add a day or two to your receipt day (unless you go to the loading dock to pick it up from them if it is not delivered that day to the final MIT destination). However, for larger items, it may be more convenient to have them shipped directly to a campus building. Some vendors will only ship to a MIT building if you are using the MIT credit card.

If you are shipping to the main MIT campus, please have your packages addressed as follows:

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
32 Vassar Street
Pappalardo Lab Rm 3-044
YourName, c/o Team YourColor
Cambridge, MA 02139

MIT Building 32 Shipping/Receiving Room (32 Vassar St, 617-253-4744) is open Monday through Friday 8AM-4PM. It is closed on weekends and will not be able to receive and/or deliver packages on the weekend. If you need something delivered on the weekend, please have it sent to your personal address.