Team Meeting Notes 06
October 18-20 Team Meetings
Team Meeting Objectives
Prepare for mockup review on Thursday evening
Resolve the most critical tasks associated with the 4 concepts you selected for Sketch Model review. You will present 3 concepts per team for Mockup Review. You want to have enough information to confidently and knowledgeably make your final product selection after mockup review.
Teams that have meetings later in the week should be further along in their preparations prior to the team meeting time than teams that meet during the beginning of the week.
What's due
Before meeting: be familiar with the mockup review milestone.
No formal deliverables unless instructors are grading your design notebook this week.
Prepare for mockup
Team Meeting 6 Activities
· This team meeting should be a very efficient, short meeting so that there is time left to work on remaining tasks.
· Each task force should give a brief status report to the team indicating what you have completed, what needs to be done, open issues that are of concern, and whether the assigned tasks are on-schedule. Using work-in-progress as props can facilitate this process.
· Based on the reports, decide if resources need to be reallocated to different tasks or if new task forces need to be created.
· Your team communication instructor will be available at the team meeting for presentation consultation.
· Work!
Important! Once the mockup review is over, it is expected that your team will wait until the next team meeting before making your final concept selection.